Make The Perfect Coffee At Home

GRIND At Home HR 27

Brew Method - French Press


  • Kettle
  • French Press
  • Ground Coffee
  • Digital Scales (optional)
  • Timer (on phone)
  • Table Spoon
→ Visit Covent Garden Grind


1. Boil the kettle.

2.  While boiling the kettle, place your French Press on a set of scales and fill to ¾ full, noting how many grams this equals, EG 800g.

3. Divide this weight by 16 to work out how much coffee to use, EG 800/16 - 50g.

4. Discard the water out of the French Press.

5. Weigh out 50g ground coffee into the French Press, on the scales.

6. Add 800g of boiling water to the French Press and stir the brew until all the grounds are wet. 

7. Start the time and leave to brew for 4 minutes. 

9. After four minutes, break the crust of the coffee by gently stirring the surface of the coffee.

10. Slowly push down the plunger, stopping 2cm before the grounds in the bottom.

11. Slowly pour into a cup.

12. Enjoy!


Also needed - measuring jug

1. Boil the kettle 

2. While boiling the kettle, fill French Press to ¾ full, and then pour into the measuring jug, noting how many millilitres, EG 800ml.

3. Divide this weight by 16 to work out how much coffee to use, EG 800/16 - 50g

4. Pour the water out of the French Press

5. Put 50g ground coffee into the French Press, assuming 1 tablespoon is 5 grams EG 10 Tablespoons

6. Fill the French Press ¾ of boiling water, and stir the brew until all the grounds are wet. 

7. Start the time and leave to brew for 4 minutes. 

8. After four minutes, break the crust of the coffee by gently stirring the surface of the coffee.

9. Slowly push down the plunger, stopping 2cm before the grounds in the bottom.

10. Slowly pour into a cup.

11. Enjoy!

GRIND At Home HR 38

Brew Method - Aeropress


  • Aeropress & Accessories 
  • Ground Coffee
  • Aeropress filters 
  • Brew vessel - metal or plastic
  • Digital Scales 
  • Timer 
  • Table Spoon


1. Boil the kettle 

2. While boiling the kettle, weigh out 16g and grind to medium fine 

3. Invert the Aeropress and preheat 

4. Empty the water, place on the scales (inverted), add the coffee and tare 

5. Begin pouring and Start the timer 

6. Add 50g water and stir until all grounds wet 

7. At 30 seconds, begin pouring again, slowly, until at 260g 

8. Rinse and preheat the filter in the filter cap 

9. Screw on cap, swirl coffee and invert aeropress, placing on the range server with the adapter. Instructions Aeropress plunger 

10. At 2mins, begin pushing down, slowly, until you hear the air hissing 

11. Remove Aeropress, empty and clean

12. Enjoy!
